Crab Apple Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Cleansing and restorative, bringing a sense of inner purity
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling unclean and impure, needing to release physical or psychic toxicity; also: obsessed with imperfection or cleansing rituals
Elm Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete one's task; ability to shoulder tasks effectively
Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelmed by personal or work obligations, feeling unequal to the task required; dysfunctional or scattered response to responsibilities and commitments
Gentian Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue despite apparent setbacks
Patterns of imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt; depression due to a sense of failure
Gorse Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Deep and abiding conviction and hope; equanimity and light-filled optimism
Patterns of imbalance: Pessimistic attitude, unable to trust or imagine a positive outcome for future events
Heather Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Inner tranquility; emotional self-sufficiency; positive solitude
Patterns of imbalance: Talkative and self-absorbed; over-concerned with one's own problems; unconscious usurpation of others' psychic energy
Holly Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Loving and inclusive gestures to others; heartfelt compassion; ability to express gratitude to others
Patterns of imbalance: Social isolation; jealousy, envy, suspicion, anger
Honeysuckle Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; acceptance of current life conditions
Patterns of imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past, longing for prior condition which seems more appealing
Hornbeam Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Dynamic involvement in life's tasks; steady state of energy
Patterns of imbalance: Unexplained fatigue or weariness, correlated to daily tasks or responsibilities that do not fully engage soul commitment and interest
Impatiens Stock Bottle
Positive qualities: Ability to flow harmoniously with time and daily rhythms, patient embrace of life events and the pace of others
Patterns of imbalance: Impatience, irritation, hypertension, intolerance; pain due to tension and resistance in the body