Dog Rose
The striking feature of Dog Rose is that the flowers hang down and appear to have dropped and rounded shoulders, like a defeated person. Dog Rose is the Essence for treating fears, niggling little fears, not terror. Overcoming fear allows an increase in the flow of the vital force, quality of life, courage and self esteem. It is also for shy, insecure, timid, nervous people.
Negative Condition:
- fearful
- shy
- insecure
- apprehensive of others
- niggling fears
Positive Outcome:
- confidence
- belief in self
- courage
- ability to embrace life more fully
Dog Rose of the Wild Forces
Found only in Victoria, this Essence was made up from a plant quivering and leaning over the surging white water just below Mackenzie Falls, in Gariwerd, (previously known as The Grampians). This plant is commonly found growing close to the water and, like Dog Rose, it deals with fear. It is taken when a person has a fear of losing control, when the emotions they are feeling within themselves or immediately around them are just so intense there is a sense of losing total control. On a higher level it helps to teach the necessity of gaining control over the emotions so that emotional intensity will not distort one's natural energies.
Negative Condition
- fear of losing control
- hysteria
- pain with no apparent cause
Positive Outcome
- calm and centred in times of inner and outer turmoil
- emotional balance
Five Corners
This tall, proud shrub gets its name from its fruit which has five corners. Five Corners corresponds with the anatomical position of arms and legs spread with the fifth point being the head. This Essence allows the life force to flow through to these five centres. When this happens a person feels good and strong in themselves. They feel their own love and beauty. The Essence resolves low self esteem, lack of confidence and diminished self love. In the negative mode the person will appear crushed and 'held in'.
Negative Condition:
- low self esteem
- dislike of self
- crushed, held-in personality
- clothing drab and colourless
Positive Outcome:
- love and acceptance of self
- celebration of own beauty
- joyousness
Flannel Flower
The petals of this flower resemble the sensuous texture of flannel - it almost begs to be touched and felt. This Essence is for people who are uncomfortable with emotional intimacy as well as physical contact and touching. They often have difficulty in maintaining their personal boundaries. It helps one to totally trust and express verbally their innermost feelings. It brings to both males and females a desire to and enjoyment in, expressing themselves physically. It is excellent for males allowing for a gentleness, softness and sensitivity in touching.
Negative Condition:
- dislike of being touched
- lack of sensitivity in males
- uncomfortable with intimacy
Positive Outcome:
- gentleness and sensitivity in touching
- trust
- openness
- expression of feelings
- joy in physical activity
Freshwater Mangrove
This flowering tree grows beside fresh water creeks, billabongs and swamps in the Northern Territory. The healing quality of the Essence is to release and heal mental prejudice, allowing the heart to open without prejudgement. The prejudice of Slender Rice Flower stems from direct personal experience whereas Freshwater Mangrove is for those who mentally reject or have already made up their mind about something without it ever being experienced. Often the seeds of this prejudice have been sown for a long time. In many cases it is generational, as in the case of countries where religious prejudice is passed on and accepted by the young without question. Many prejudices are built because of cultural or societal belief that something cannot be done. This Essence has the potential to allow us to fully experience and be open on both a mental and heart level to new perceptual shifts and all the changes occurring at this time.
Negative Condition:
- heart closed due to expectations or prejudices which have been taught, not personally experienced
Positive Outcome:
- openness to new experiences, people and perceptual shifts
- healthy questioning of traditional standards and beliefs
Fringed Violet
For treating damage to the aura where there has been shock, grief or distress e.g. from abuse or assault. This remedy maintains psychic protection and is excellent for people who are drained by others or those who unconsciously absorb the physical and emotional imbalances of others. It releases shock from the body. When used in combination with Flannel Flower or Wisteria it is beneficial for those who have suffered abuse.
Negative Condition:
- damage to aura
- distress
- lack of psychic protection
Positive Outcome:
- removal of effects of recent or old distressing events
- heals damage to aura
- psychic protection
Green Essence
The Green Essence is made, not from the flowers, but rather the stems and leaves of traditional, fresh, green herbs, using the same method we use to make our Flower Essences. It is used to harmonise any internal yeast, mould and parasites to the same vibration as one’s body. It should be taken orally for a minimum two week period, five drops 3 times a day, five minutes before meals.
Green Essence can also be used topically on the skin. Place seven drops of Green Essence in a dessert bowl of water, splash on the affected area and allow to dry. Do this morning and night for two weeks. You will need to make a fresh batch every two days. You can also douche if necessary with Green Essence. This is most effectively done morning and night for a two week period. We recommend not using Green Essence externally at the same time as it is taken internally.
Negative Condition:
- emotional distress associated with intestinal and skin disorders
Positive Outcome:
- harmonise the vibration of any yeast, mould or parasite to one's own vibration
- purifying
Green Spider Orchid
This remedy was also made up in Gariwerd (The Grampians) Victoria and is very much aligned with higher learnings, philosophies and deeper insight. This Essence can assist in working with telepathy, to attune a person to be more receptive to not only other people but also other species and kingdoms. It is for people who are teaching spiritual matters and understandings, helping them to impart that knowledge. It helps us to know when to share about our spiritual experiences, ideas before they are manifested and incomplete projects and when to remain silent to let the energy build. Green Spider Orchid can release nightmares, terror and phobias stemming from past lives.
Negative Condition:
- nightmares and phobias from past life experiences
- intense negative reactions to the sight of blood
Positive Outcome:
- telepathic communication
- ability to withhold information until timing is appropriate
- attunement
Grey Spider Flower
This is an Essence to deal with extreme terror, especially terror experienced in life-threatening situations or psychic attack. It deals with panic and nightmares. The Essence will restore faith and trust. Interestingly enough every time I picked this flower to make the Essence I came across a spider. There is a theory that spiders are an archetypal image for primordial fear.
Negative Condition:
- terror
- fear of supernatural and psychic attack